When the GD begins, it is expected that each member of the group will first tell their own stories, and then the group will talk about them all to reach a conclusion. When participating in this exercise, it is important to keep in mind the following:

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  • Pay close attention to the instructions that the assessors in the room have given you, and try to follow them all deliberately.
  • It is not necessary to start, but only you will be chosen. Try to start, but don’t go to the fish market when you start.
  • During the entire exercise, avoid looking at the assessors. While narrating or participating in group discussions, simply focus on the members.
  • Your body language speaks louder than your words. Controlling one’s posture, facial expressions, hand gestures, and eye movement is important for evaluation.

  • There won’t be many chances for you. Assuming this is the case, try to make your strongest points known right away, don’t dramatize the conversation, and wait for other chances.
  • Allow everyone to speak and provide opportunities to those who were unable to do so; this could be to your advantage.
  • Try to get involved in the conversation twice or three times, but this doesn’t mean you can start fighting. Groups should avoid fish market situations.
  • Also, pay attention to other people’s points and make a mental note of them so that you can use them in the end.
  • Don’t try to focus only on your story; choose the best one and back it up.

Being able to pass screening is necessary to enter the exam and advance to the second phase. Don’t take it lightly; this is the only stage where you can eliminate everyone. Perform your best at this stage of SSB so that you can advance to the merit stage with high marks as marks are compiled. Therefore, you should not take any exam lightly and ensure that you perform to the best of your ability in each round. If you still have questions or require a psychological evaluation, you can contact me on Facebook by sending a request and dropping a message. We’ll try mentoring to find a solution.